Winning a Civil Judgment Doesn’t Guarantee You’ll Get Paid

We have all heard people threatening to sue. Whether it’s a real-life scenario or something on TV, lawsuits are pretty well understood in this country – at least they are from the perspective of taking somebody the court and extracting money from them. As for what happens after, a lot of people have no clue.
For example, you could be forgiven for assuming that winning a judgment guarantees payment. Yet it doesn’t. Truth be told, winning in court does not guarantee anything. You could win a judgment worth tens of thousands of dollars, or more, and never actually see a dime.
You’re on Your Own
Are you suddenly incredulous? Here’s betting a lot of judgment creditors are in the same position. Here is the problem with winning a civil judgment that includes a monetary award: after the judge’s gavel falls, you are effectively on your own.
You can go back to court if you need an Order to Compel or a Writ to proceed with asset seizure, but most of what you do in your efforts to collect will be done without the court’s assistance. It is just you and your attorney, if you choose to continue paying for legal services.
Judgment Collectors, out of Salt Lake City, UT, says you have another option: hiring a collection agency that specializes in judgments. Judgment Collectors is such an agency. The advantage of going this route is having experienced debt collectors working on your behalf.
Debtors Often Try to Stall
Bringing in a firm like Judgment Collectors might seem extreme. So why do it? Because debtors often try to stall. Either they need more time, or they actually have no intention of paying. Either way, stalling for time gives debtors an advantage. The longer they can stall, the greater the advantage.
Each passing day gives an uncooperative debtor more time to hide assets. Time gives debtors more opportunities to move around and evade detection. And as time passes, creditors get more frustrated. Delay long enough and a debtor might be able to convince the creditor to throw up his hands and walk away.
You Have To Know Your Options
It turns out that the vast majority of judgments are never successfully collected. In fact, it is not even close. To succeed, you really need to know your options. You need to know what the law allows and how to use it to your advantage. Otherwise, collecting an unpaid judgment becomes a lot like chasing ghosts.
If you don’t know how to legally pursue debt collection, how can you reasonably go after a debtor full force? You can’t. You are left taking shots in the dark. Unfortunately, this is what happens more often than not.
Your Success Is Up to You
Winning a judgment amounts to the opening salvo between you and your opponent. A win in court makes you the judgment creditor and your opponent the judgment debtor. Now you square off and begin the contest. Who will win? That’s up to you. You will fail or succeed based on the strategies you pursue and how you pursue them.
Judgment Collectors says the key to winning is possessing three things: knowledge, skill, and perseverance. Knowledge is knowing what to do. Skill is knowing how to do it. Perseverance is being willing to do what you need to do for as long as it takes.
Winning a judgment is no guarantee that you will get paid. So if you’re planning to head to civil court, be prepared for a tough fight afterward. If you win the case, you’re going to have to fight to get paid.